About Us

Welcome to Feline Vet Friends, the association for veterinarians with a special interest in feline medicine. The association was founded in 2023 by 4 veterinarians from the practice with a preference for feline medicine.

We would like to provide veterinarians and veterinary students with information regarding cat veterinary medicine.

We want to achieve this by organizing in-depth lectures by renowned speakers. The lectures have an exclusive character, because the group size will not exceed 35-45 participants. We hope to keep the lectures interactive. This distinguishes our association from other further training courses offered. 
In addition, there will be opportunities to discuss case studies, protocols and guidelines regarding cat medicine under the guidance of a specialist.

You will also find guidelines and articles on our website from, among others:

*ACVIM (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine)

*AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners)

* ISFM (International Society of Feline Medicine)

Summaries and guidelines resulting from the further training courses we offer will also appear on our website.

The aim is to offer further training twice a year by an on-site specialist. In addition, we want to offer online further training twice a year in which a case, protocol or guideline is discussed under the guidance of a specialist.

Our membership offers the opportunity to register 2 weeks earlier for the organized refresher courses. Since there are limited places available, full = full!

Chair: Marieke Knies
My name is Marieke Knies. I work as a veterinarian at AniCura Specialist Referral Center Haaglanden and Dordrecht. I am currently training to become a specialist in Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht. In 2016 I passed the membership exam in Feline Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Science, an extra depth in the field of feline medicine.
Secretary: Belinda Otten-Bitter
My name is Belinda Otten-Bitter and I work as a veterinarian at A7 Noord Veterinarians. I have a special interest in feline medicine, internal medicine in general and dermatology.
I think further training is very important so that we can continue to develop as veterinarians and provide the most appropriate care. That is why I am a board member at Feline Vet Friends.
Treasurer: Jetty Maltha
My name is Jetty Maltha. I graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht in 2002, after which I worked in England for 6 years. That's where the flame of cat medicine started to burn. Upon returning to the Netherlands, I followed the modular Feline Medicine course (ISFM) in 2010 and passed the Medicine of Cats exam in 2012 (which leads to membership of the ANZCVS). I have been working at A7 Noord veterinarians in Drachten since 2017.
Board member:  Pam Hooijmaaier
My name is Pam, I graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Ghent in 2015. Shortly after graduating, I discovered the interesting world of cat internal medicine and followed many further training courses in this field, including the modular Feline Medicine course (ISFM). I am currently working at the Evidensia Animal Hospital Hart van Brabant.
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