What is our goal?

Welcome to Feline Vet Friends, the association for veterinarians with a special interest in feline medicine. We would like to provide veterinarians and veterinary students with information regarding feline veterinary medicine.

 We want to achieve this by organizing in-depth lectures by renowned speakers. The lectures have an exclusive character, because the group size will not exceed 35-45 participants. We hope to keep the lectures interactive. This distinguishes our association from other courses.

 In addition, there will be opportunities to discuss case studies, protocols and guidelines regarding feline medicine under the guidance of a specialist. You will also find guidelines, interesting articles and summaries on our website.

 If you become a member of Feline Vet Friends, you can register 2 weeks earlier for the organized  courses. Since there are limited places available, full = full!

 - Feline Vet Friends Team. 

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Anniversary lecture

Feline Vet Friends exists for almost 1 year and we will celebrate with a special lecture. Before our lecture we will hold our yearly "ALV" (general members meeting). 

Feline Chronic Kidney Disease, new Horizons

Date:  16th of November 2024
Speaker: Jonathan Elliot 
- 09.30-10.15: ALV
- 11.00-15.00: Lecture, including lunch
- 15.00-16.30: Drinks
Location: Anatomiegebouw in Utrecht
Costs: 67,50 euro for members, 75,- euro voor non-members
Sponsors: Alfasan, Elanco & Idexx
Subjects are Mineral Bone Disorder and feline CKD - utility of FGF23 in diagnosis and management; Dietary supplementation with magnesium and New therapeutics for feline CKD patients. 
Registration is closed

Our sponsors

We would like to thank our sponsors for their support. Without them it would not be possible to organize our meetings! 

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